Use of service with Python

Programs have been developed on python3 in Ubuntu distribution.

To install python3 library which allows the connection to OpenCayle service run:

  • Ubuntu Installation
apt install python3-boto
  • CentOS Installation
yum install python-boto
  • MacOS High Sierra and following versions Installation

Execute on terminal:

pkgutil | grep version

when it is not installed return “ No receipt for '' found at '/'. “

Install Xcode the first time:

 xcode-select --install

Check Homebrew is installed:

 which brew

When it is nothing returned Homebrew is not installed.
Install Homebrew:

/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"

Insert Homebrew folder at the beginning of PATH:

export PATH="/usr/local/opt/python/libexec/bin:$PATH"

Install python3:

brew install python3

Check Python version:

python3 --version

When returns Python 3.X.X Python3 it was installed sucessfully.
Install six library to execute OpenCayle Python scripts.

pip install six

Install boto 2 library:

pip install boto

NOTE: To download python programs (.py extension) , please, follow the instructions:
1) Select the file
2) Press the right button on your mouse
3) Select the "save as" option

• AccessKey : Token to connect to OpenCayle service.

Execution when AccessKey is wrong:

python3 failedtoken
    The connection to OpenCayle service is not possible.
    Please, check the following issues to solve it before connect to Scayle:
    1) You have internet access
    2) Your internet access is not through a VPN
    3) When you generate the access key the USERID and PASSWORD were correct
    4) Your IP internet address is available on OpenCayle service

Execution when AccessKey is correct:

python3 XXXX  (Where XXX is the correct AccessKey for the user)
    Your AccessKey connects successfully to OpenCayle.


  • Access Key: Token to connect to OpenCayle service.
  • BucketName: The name associated to the new bucket.

Execution when AccessKey is wrong:

python3 XXerrXX buckecillo

    !!! WARNING Bucket pepe can not be created. 
    Review S3ResponseError: 403 Forbidden
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><Error><Code>AccessDenied</Code><RequestId>tx000000000000000296bd3-005ee33619-cbcb5-default</RequestId><HostId>cbcb5-default-default</HostId></Error> log information. 
    Please attention to field CODE if exists. 
    When CODE is AccessDenied then Connection to OpenCayle can not be done, please review 
    your AccessKey:
    1) Run program
    2) Run program
    If problem persists then contact to Scayle through HelpDesk tool.

Execution when number or buckets is exceeded:

python3 XXXX  buckecillo
    PARAMETERS: Access Key <XXXX Bucket <buckecillo>.
    !!! WARNING Bucket buckecillo can not be created.
    Review S3ResponseError: 400 Bad Request
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><Error><Code>TooManyBuckets</Code><BucketName>buckecillo</BucketName><RequestId>tx00000000000000000472c-005e6a087f-196c5-default</RequestId><HostId>196c5-default-default</HostId></Error> log information.
    Please attention to field CODE if exists
    When CODE is AccessDenied then Connection to OpenCayle can not be done, please review your AccessKey:
    1) Run program
    2) Run program
    If problem persists then contact to Scayle through HelpDesk tool.

Successfully execution:

python3 XXXX buckecillo
    PARAMETERS: Access Key XXXX Bucket <buckecillo>.
    Bucket buckecillo created successfully.


  • Access Key: Token to connect to OpenCayle service.
  • BucketName: The name associated to the bucket which contains the object.
  • KeyName: The name associated to the new object of the bucket.
  • FileName: Absolute path of file associated to key.
  • Is Private 0 Public /1 Private.
  • ExpirationTime: Time on seconds to expiration URL (Private mode).

Execution when AccessKey is wrong:

python3 XXerrXX buckecillo pepe
    Connection to OpenCayle can not be done, please review your AccessKey:
    1) Run program
    2) Run program
    If problem persists then contact to Scayle through HelpDesk tool.

Execution when file does not exist:

python3 XXXXX buckecillo pepe xx.csv 0 280
    PARAMETERS: Access Key <XXXXX> Bucket Name <buckecillo> Key Name <pepe> File Name <xx.csv> Is Private (0 Not/1 Yes) <0> ExpirationTime (0 not expiration) <280>.
    File <xx.csv> does not exist. Key pepe can be created on bucket buckecillo

Execution to assign key to a bucket which does not exit:

python3  XXXXX buckecillo pepe data.csv 0 280
    PARAMETERS: Access Key  <XXXXX> Bucket Name <buckecillo> Key Name <pepe> File Name <data.csv> Is Private (0 Not/1 Yes) <0> ExpirationTime (0 not expiration) <280>.
    Bucket, whose name is buckecillo, does not exist

Execution when quota is exceeded:

python3 XXXXX buckecillo pepe /home/cephuser/data/data.csv 0 280
    PARAMETERS: Access Key <XXXXX> Bucket Name <buckecillo> Key Name <pepe> File Name </home/cephuser/data/data.csv> Is Private (0 Not/1 Yes) <0> ExpirationTime (0 not expiration) <280>.
    !!! KEY WARNING. Error during key pepe creation.  
    Error description S3ResponseError: 403 Forbidden
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><Error><Code>QuotaExceeded</Code><BucketName>buckecillo</BucketName><RequestId>tx000000000000000004b06-005e6a1b18-196b3-default</RequestId><HostId>196b3-default-default</HostId></Error>.
    Review field CODE

Successfully creation:

python3 XXXXX buckecillo pepe /home/cephuser/data/data.csv 0 280
    PARAMETERS: Access Key <XXXXX> Bucket Name <buckecillo> Key Name <pepe> File Name </home/cephuser/data/data.csv> Is Private (0 Not/1 Yes) <0> ExpirationTime (0 not expiration) <280>.
    Key pepe on bucket buckecillo created on mode public-read and security False. If it is secure, its expiration time is 0.
    URL associated is:
    Key pepe associated to Bucket buckecillo created successfully.

Go to your browser and navigate to the URL associated:
    * On Explorer and Firefox browser will appear a message whick ask you about open or save the file associated to the key
    * On Chrome the browser download the file and you can access to the file associated to the key on the download folder of the machine which is using the OpenCayle service.


  • AccessKey : Token to connect to OpenCayle service
  • BucketName: The name associated to the bucket which contains the object
  • KeyName: The name associated to the object to delete

Execution when AccessKey is wrong:

python3 XXerrXX  buckecillo dolores
    Connection to OpenCayle can not be done, please review your AccessKey:
    1) Run program
    2) Run program
    If problem persists then contact to Scayle through HelpDesk tool.

Execution when the bucket does not exist:

python3 XXXX  buckecillo pepe
    PARAMETERS: Access Key <XXXX> Bucket Name <buck> Key Name <pepe>.
    Bucket buckecillo or Key pepe associated to this bucket does not exist. Please review your S3 data.

Execution when the key does not exist but the bucket exist:

python3 XXXX  buckecillo dolores
    PARAMETERS: Access Key <XXXX> Bucket Name <buckecillo> Key Name <dolores>.
    Bucket buckecillo or Key dolores associated to this bucket does not exist. Please review your S3 data.

Successfully key deletion:

python3 XXXX  buckecillo pepe
    PARAMETERS: Access Key <XXXX> Bucket Name <buckecillo> Key Name <pepe>.
    Key pepe deleted from bucket buckecillo successfully


  • AccessKey : Token to connect to OpenCayle service.
  • BucketName: The name associated to the bucket which contains the object.
  • KeyName: The name associated to the object to delete.

Execution when AccessKey is wrong:

python3 XXerrXX  buckecillo dolores
    Connection to OpenCayle can not be done, please review your AccessKey:
    1) Run program
    2) Run program
    If problem persists then contact to Scayle through HelpDesk tool.

Execution when bucket does not exist:

python3 XXXXX  buckell
    PARAMETERS: Access Key  XXXXX Bucket <buckell>.
    Bucket buckecillo does not exist. Please review your S3 data

Execution when bucket exists and have keys associated:

Step 1) Create a new key associated to the bucket.

python3 XXXXX buckecillo lola /home/cephuser/data/data.csv 0 280
    PARAMETERS: Access Key <XXXXX> Bucket Name <buckecillo> Key Name <pepe> File Name </home/cephuser/data/data.csv> Is Private (0 Not/1 Yes) <0> ExpirationTime (0 not expiration) <280>.
    Key pepe on bucket buckecillo created on mode public-read and security False. If it is secure, its expiration time is 0.
    URL associated is:
    Key lola associated to Bucket buckecillo created successfully.

Step 2) Delete bucket which contains the key created on step 1.

python3 XXXXX buckecillo
    PARAMETERS: Access Key <XXXXX> Bucket <buckecillo>.
    Bucket buckecillo deleted successfully. All their keys were deleted previously


  • AccessKey : Token to connect to OpenCayle service.

Execution when AccessKey is wrong :

python3  XX
    PARAMETERS: Access Key <XX>
                         Open Scayle Resources associated to user.  
    Connection to OpenCayle can not be done, please review your AccessKey:
    1) Run program
    2) Run program
    If problem persists then contact to Scayle through HelpDesk tool.

Show information when user connection information is wrong:

python3  XX
    PARAMETERS: Access Key <XX>
    boto.exception.S3ResponseError: S3ResponseError: 403 Forbidden
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><Error><Code>AccessDenied</Code><RequestId>tx000000000000000004fbf-005e6a2b79-196b3-default</RequestId><HostId>196b3-default-default</HostId></Error>

Show information when user connection information is correct:

python3  XXXX
    PARAMETERS: Access Key <XXXX>
                         OpenCayle Resources associated to user.  
    - BUCKET bucket1 2020-03-12T12:22:39.216Z
      - OBJECT/KEY alejandra        2020-03-12T12:24:01.011Z
      - OBJECT/KEY alex     2020-03-12T12:23:53.648Z
    - BUCKET bucket2 2020-03-12T12:22:42.362Z
      - OBJECT/KEY juan     2020-03-12T12:23:28.295Z
      - OBJECT/KEY lola     2020-03-12T12:23:43.375Z
                         END OpenCayle Resources