The resources, which are managed by SCAYLE, are configured and operated to serve a large and diverse number of users.
Users, who access these resources, must be aware of and accept the SCAYLE security regulations (Spanish regulations):
The following cases are considered non-compliance with the conditions of use of SCAYLE's resources:
Illicit use by third parties of user identifiers (user/password) in computer systems (with or without the knowledge of official users), both by the person making the improper access and by the person responsible for the account, as well as non-compliance with the terms of licenses of the generic software acquired in SCAYLE.
The search for passwords of other users.
Any attempt to find and exploit faults in the security of the computer systems of SCAYLE or others.
Make use of SCAYLE systems to attack any computer system.
The creation, use or storage of programs or information that may be used to attack the computer systems of SCAYLE or others, except for those persons expressly authorized to carry out such tasks leading to guaranteeing the security and operability of SCAYLE's services.
Intentional introduction of viruses or any other malicious or harmful software.
Alteration of the integrity, innapropiate data use or data manipulation.
Not to maintain the computer resources under its responsibility with the necessary security measures.
Failure to comply with these regulations to any degree will result in the immediate suspension of the service provided and/or the temporary blocking of systems or accounts, in order to guarantee the proper functioning of the SCAYLE services.