Use of service with graphic interface (S3Browser)

S3 Browser software (non commercial version) allows the connection to OpenCayle Service, it can be free download on official site

After software installation, access account must be configurated.

  • Account Name: You must change the word “usuario” for the user which Scayle gave you to access to OpenCayle service. Eg: If user is “userTest”, account name will be .
  • Access Key ID y Secret Key ID: It is the access key explained on "OpenCayle Service Connection".
  • Rest of information: It must fill in as the picture shows.


If your organization has more accounts , you can config them on “Manage Accounts”, steps are the previous.


Go to Bucket menu and option Create New Bucket or click on button "Create New Bucket" on the desktop of the application.

Create buckets

The bucket will be created and showed on bucket list.

New bucket

When a bucket is created, it has none associated files. You can associated files on these ways:

  • Files Menu option Upload file.
  • Button Upload File.

After select upload appears a windows explorer to select the file or folder you like attach to the bucket.

Información bucket

If the user select “Upload folder” the windows explorer filters only folders.

However when the user select “Upload file(s)” the windows explorer select a file shows both, files and folders are shown.

After select a folder, in the example Ceph folder, the bucket will contain all the files or subfolders included in Ceph folder:

Información bucket

After repeat the action with a file, in the example the file “graylogsize.txt”, the bucket will contain the selected file.

Información bucket

User privileges can be:

  • Private: It is only visible for this user.
  • Public: It could be accessible by others users of OpenCayle Service.

To config, first select the file and second click on “Edit Permissions (ACL)”.

Permisos ficheros

The permission settings will be displayed:
For example : We want user to have all the permissions, but any other user of the service can only read it.

Configuracion permisos

Click to apply changes.

Select a file contained on a bucket , click on righ button on your mouse and select “Advanced” option, then click on “Export File List”.

Seleccionar fichero

Generated file is a CSV file where you can have a list of userfull information.


IMPORTANT: To consider about non commercial version.

  • It is not possible to generate an URL with expiration time or security on this version. If you need it , please go to the python utilities on OpenScayle user guide.
  • Although the rest cases do not report about any problem , the URL reported does not work sucessfully. Steps are explained on case you have the commercial version.

The file or folder contained on bucket can be access through an URL, to prepare that:

  • Click righ button on mouse.
  • Select “Generarate Web URL(s)”.


If this option works , it will be necessary to modify the custom host to<nombre del bucket>

Doing that, URL will be generated properly.

On non-commercial version, you can verify the URL does not work.


Select a file associated to a bucket, if you click on the right button of your mouse appears some options :

  • Download: To download the file or folder.
  • Copy to: Allows to copy a file or folder from a bucket to another bucket. There is necessary to know that on this case you are using more space due to the same file is contained on two buckets.
  • Move to: Allows to move a file from a bucket to another bucket.


Select the bucket which contains the file.
Select the file to delete.
Option 1: Click on delete button.


Option 2: Right button and select Delete.
After that the file won't be associated to the bucket.


You must notice the fact that when a bucket is deleted, all the files.
To delete a bucket:

  • Select the bucket you will delete.
  • Delete bucket.
    • Option 1: Bucket Menu and select Delete Bucket.
      Example: The deletion of bucket pruebas3browser will delete Ceph folder associate to it.
    • Option 2: Right button and select Bucket.
      A confirmation window will appears, it will warn the fact that the bucket and its contain will be deleted permanent.
      It is neccesary to confirm the check and click on Delete Bucket button to delete the bucket.
