The RES periods are divided into three, each with a duration of 4 months:
The different resource limits that RES users will have are associated with different QOS (Quality Of Services). The QOS associated to the SCAYLE nodes are:
Name | Priority | MaxWall* |
class_a | 100 | 3-00:00:00 |
class_b | 10 | 2-00:00:00 |
class_c | 1 | 1-00:00:00 |
*MaxWall: This is the maximum time that can be requested when sending a job (days-hours:minutes:seconds).
At the beginning of each RES period a QOS will be assigned to each user so that they can perform their calculations. If throughout the period, a user reaches the limit of assigned hours for the current period, from that moment on he will have to change the qos of sending. This will be notified by our Technical Department, by sending an email.
Here we can see a simple example of a script with the parameters we need to launch it.
#SBATCH --job-name=<JOBNAME> # Name assigned to the job.
#SBATCH --output <my_job-%j.out> # This is the standard output file. If no output file is defined for the errors, by default the standard output of the execution and the output of the possible errors are unified in a single file.
#SBATCH --error <my_job-%j.err> # Defines the error output file.
#SBATCH --partition=res # Partition to which the work is sent.
#SBATCH --qos=class_a # qos with which the work is sent.
#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=16 # Sets the number of cores desired for the execution of the script.
#SBATCH --time=03:00:00 # Time limit that the work will be executed.
#SBATCH --mail-user=<EMAIL> # E-mail address where job-related notifications will be sent.
#SBATCH –-mail-type=ALL# Defines in which circumstances an email will be sent to the user. in this case "ALL" will be at the beginning of the execution, at the end of the execution and in case the task is cancelled.
# Your job commands
srun --label hostname